Many people think that chiropractic is only for adults, but children can also benefit from regular chiropractic care. There are many reasons children go to the chiropractor, including decreased pain and discomfort from injury, improved posture, improved sleep, improved immune system function, improved digestion (decreased gas/bloating), decrease symptoms associated with colic, and so much more!

Pediatric chiropractors — those that are trained to work with children — always adapt the treatment to fit the special needs of their young patients. They also provide highly skilled treatments that are very gentle.

Why Chiropractic Care for Children

Children may experience trauma at birth that affects their body.  The forces during the birth can put stress on the upper cervical spine (especially at the Atlas/C1) and the nervous system, and the baby enters the world with his/her first subluxation.  That is why Dr. Bonnie checks newborns as early as possibly after birth – she will even make a trip to the hospital to check your precious little one.  We take the honor of caring for newborns and infants very seriously.

Later childhood activities — like learning to walk, participating in sports or riding a bicycle — can also cause spinal health problems, or make them worse.  Even injuries that appear to be minor, such as a fall off a bicycle, can damage other parts of the body, such as the pelvis, skull, spine and limbs. Chiropractors are uniquely trained to identify problems in these areas.

Chiropractors can also determine whether “growing pains” are signs of more severe health problems. Regular chiropractic care for children may be able to head off problems that many adults experience later in life.

Here are a few things that cause stress to your child’s spine and nervous system:

  • Falls
  • Contact Sports or Sports-Related Injuries
  • Awkward prolonged postures (ballet, gymnastics)
  • Heavy backpacks
  • Poor posture
  • Playing video games
  • Poor Diet
  • Chemical Stress – medications, chemicals, cleaners, etc
  • Emotional Stress – at home or school
  • And much more!

Treating Childhood Conditions

One of the main types of chiropractic care for children is treating back and neck pain or other issues related to the spine. Chiropractors can check children as young as newborns for problems, especially those related to the health of their spine.

Chiropractors may also be able to help with other childhood conditions, such as:

  • Asthma
  • Bedwetting
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Colic
  • Difficulty nursing

Types of Treatment for Children

When chiropractors work with children, they provide the same highly skilled treatments that adults receive. They use a hands-on, drug-free approach. Visits include a physical exam, diagnosis and treatment. In the case of children, chiropractors use a very gentle approach, suitable to the age of the child.

Children who already have a regular pediatrician — who provides medications and treats serious illnesses — can also benefit from a pediatric chiropractor. Much of the work that chiropractors do with children is preventative wellness care, such as helping their spine stay healthy as they grow.

Chiropractors are for all ages. Contact your chiropractor to learn more about chiropractic care for your child.

Dr. Bonnie has specialty training and certification with the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association.  Her mission is to serve as many children and families with natural healthcare as possible.

If you have any questions about our services, please contact us today at (580) 436-9079.